audilary fan is acting "moody"

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Mon Dec 6 15:17:18 PST 2010

I have replaced two or three of these fusible links with an 80 amp fuse that
I get at Advanced Auto.  It's kind of a little plastic box, but I've been
able to screw it down right where the fusible link goes.  I think it takes a
little tweaking but I haven't needed to do anything fancy with it.  It could
look better if you did, but I wasn't concerned about it at the time.  The
little strip of metal is cheaper, like under a buck, but the part I used is
only a couple of bucks itself, so not too big a deal.


-----Original Message-----
From: 200q20v-bounces at [mailto:200q20v-bounces at] On
Behalf Of George
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 1:52 PM
To: 'robert weinberg'; '200q20V mailing list'
Subject: RE: audilary fan is acting "moody"

The fusible link is nothing more than a piece of pot metal mounted between
two studs. It's in a little black box just under the reservoir. It was
placed there so any overflow from the bottle would corrode it. I have one in
my hand and it has no part number on it, just 80A. I strongly recommend
dismounting the whole sorry affair and installing a real fuse somewhere
else. I put it on the strut web above the firewall.  You definitely don't
want to live without it as it prevents a fan failure from melting the entire
wire loom..

Meanwhile, send me your mailing address off list and I will send the one I
have to you - price, one beer.

George Sidman

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