is there a Trick to removing the connectors at the harness connector

Eric Huppert ehuppert at
Mon Nov 1 13:26:07 PDT 2010



Don't recall having a problem disconnecting the clips in place, but if
needed just spread the tanks and pull the uppermost connector out so you can
release the clips. Kind of a pita, but quite doable. Per the Bentley (and
Scott M's site) both senders can be checked with a ohm meter. Believe the
car will start with a bad rpm sensor, but the TDC sensor is required. I've
also seen problems with debris on the ends of the sensors. Sensor is trying
to read through the crud (metal shavings, etc) . Usually you can remove the
allen head and remove the sensor to check it, but sometimes they're seized
in the housing, hence you'll have to remove the housing.


You can check continuity for the sensors by removing the ecu connector and
following Scott M's pin-out, but easier to disconnect in the engine


Does the ignition have spark? No spark will also cause no fuel if ecu/sensor
related.. System may pressurize, but injectors won't fire.


As others have stated, check out Scott Mockry's site, very comprehensive



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