It's Alive! was - No Start ABY/AAN engine..

Ben Swann benswann at
Tue Oct 5 22:05:16 PDT 2010

After installing a pin through the starter hole, the S2/ABY engine fired right up. 
Not an easy job, but better than the alternative.  I basically followed no. 1 outlined
below. and because there was no way to drill through the existing pin with Cobalt drill
bits I obtained I did the details outlined in no. 2. pretty much as described to the
Much thanks to all the helpful advice, especially from Scott and Cody.  I was able to
track down this problem and find a workable solution that was a lot easier than pulling
the transmission.
Now to wrap up a few more outstanding details and hope to have the car on the road very
WhooHooo!  It's Alive!
 [ On Oct 4, 2010, at 5:58 PM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at> wrote:

 I take having the pin a little farther out would also give better signal resolution -
how much room for error before it interferes with the sensor in a bad way? 
 I am contemplating a few things: 
 1. Drill existing hole as dead on as possible.  Install a slightly larger diameter pin
than - 3mm is IMO kind of small.  I rounded up some nice metal stock from my
grandfathers collecion of machinists parts and supplies he left us.  I have pins ranging
from below 3mm to 13mm.  I was considering around 5mm.   This is about as hard of steel
as can be had, yet still be magnetic.  
 2. Your comments suggest I can drill toward the outside of the flyheel - just outside
the pin where I will find drilling easier.  It would make sense to do this and use a pin
that leaves just a small amount of clearance - and/or I could even shim the sensor out a
little farther too.  I could even machine the larger pin located farther out and take
off a sector to compensate - so that the flat side is facing the sensor. 
{I ended up drilling out to  13/64" and hammering a cut and machined  7/32" bit - has a
flat section facing out.  The sensor is offset by about 2.5 mm using washers on the
mounting bolt and just clears the pin.  I had to dremel the protruding length down
several times as fit check revealed pin hit the block until cut down to around 11mm -
very tight clearance }
  Of course I'll rotate and fit check everything before committing with red-locktite. 
 Ben ]
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Swann <benswann at>
To: qshipq at; cody at
Cc: jc at; s-car-list at; chris.miller at
Sent: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 9:50 am
Subject: RE: [s-cars] No Start ABY/AAN engine - Problem Found?

Well - son of a gun! 
 I just checked the two 3B flywheels that I had spare.  Neither of them have a pin
protruding backside, but there is a nub where one should be.  I don't recall there being
one on the one I installed, so this must be the problem.  Also, the flywheel I pulled
off the AAN has no such pin.  but does have a large tab mounted where the pin would be
on the 3B one.  There are also two tabs located like the pins clutch side on the AAN -
that is where I confused them for the sensor pins. 
 So it appears there was no change in location of the pin with respect to the ECU
programming, just that my pin is missing. ... 

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