Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start
Tony Hoffman
auditony at
Thu Oct 28 20:06:44 PDT 2010
Jim, it sounds like you are getting fuel, if it's spraying out of hte
banjo bolt at the fuel rail. Just out of curiosity, can you feel the
fuel pump relay click when cranking?
I'd be checking for spark next. If you have none, it's a matter of
what is causing that, and probably not firing the injectors also. Is
the tach bouncing while cranking? If not, you may have a bad reference
or timing sensor. Or, perhaps a bad connection or a (God forbid) mouse
chewed wire. Anyhow, let us know what you find.
Oh, and just out of curiosity, where are you at?
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc.
<Jim at> wrote:
> Have the Bentley manuals (set of 3 volumes) but they seem to discuss many VW and Vag-Com tools I will never have access to.
> Is there a troubleshooting guidebook that doesn't rely on special test equipment to make progress in diagnosing a no-start problem?
> My car has low miles (26k) and have owned it since new in 1991. Recently I went to start it to get the rust off the brakes and no-start, cranks strong, but acts like it is not getting any fuel. I changed the large fuel filter in the engine compartment, pulled the spark plugs and noted they were all dry. I loosened the front banjo bolt on what looks like a fuel rail above the fuel injectors on top of the engine and got fuel to spray out.
> Relevant fuse #13 is OK, so I ordered a new fuel pump relay since that would be an easy to replace low cost possible fix. In what other areas should I look for a problem?
> Is access to the fuel pump beneath the spare tire plastic tub?
> Can anyone make some suggestions on my next moves? thanks in advance.
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