Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start

Bastian Preindl bastian at
Sat Oct 30 06:40:01 PDT 2010


I'm convinced that this is not the pump but whether the flywheel sensor, 
the ignition point sensor, or the hall sensor (or even worse: the 
flywheel marker). ECU doesn't start the pump nor does it inject fuel 
before the proper signals came in. Audi once made a wrong diagnosis on 
this and falsly changed my fuel pumpe (sure I had to pay). Ended up with 
the flywheel marker, but that's rather seldom.

Manual ECU fault memory readout is an easy process on the 220V - just 
shortcut the fuse socket on the fuel relay and what the cockpit 
instrument morsing the error code(s). There is a manual readout socket 
as well with the diagnostic ports.


Am 29.10.10 21:09, schrieb Ben Swann:
> It seems I cover this one once a week.  On these engines that use flywheel sensors, no
> fuel is often no spark and something higher up in the ECU control process.  It is all in
> how the relay gets triggered on with hall signal and flywheel sensors.  See
> for my bent,  and Scott's site is of course excellent.
> You may have a momentary fuel pump "prime" but relay not triggering things on
> continuously.
> Ben

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