Rear Shocks for '91 Avant

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Fri Sep 24 14:16:22 PDT 2010

I actually didn't do it.  When I had a mechanic swap the stock springs back
in, I asked him to set them to full soft, but I recall some discussion about
him setting them appropriately for the springs, car, etc.  Honestly, I'd be
surprised if he even changed them.  So they'd be set how they were set
initially by some shop in San Diego when they were installed with H&R
springs.  As I understand it, that setting is only for rebound.  I do have
the instructions for the set of reds and could check that out if you like.


-----Original Message-----
From: George [mailto:gsidman at] 
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 2:40 PM
To: 'Ed Kellock'; 200q20v at
Subject: RE: Rear Shocks for '91 Avant

Ed:         Anything special about setting up these Koni shocks?  I
understand you can dial them in from firm to soft....

George Sidman

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