hesitation at WOT

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Wed Apr 27 07:15:01 PDT 2011

At 2:36 AM +0000 4/27/11, brogers at terrix.com wrote:
>My motor is hesitatin' at WOT. Not always, I don't think - but 
>enough. Motor is stock save for RS2 turbo, EM, and software. Running 
>about 24 psi.
>It's been about 35,000 miles, 7 years since I did a cap and rotor. 
>How long do those last? Could it make sense to replace the cap but 
>not rotor? Plugs are F6DTC - not F5DPOR - they have at most 5000 
>miles on them. I cannot remember if I've ever done the plug wires...

Over the years --time and time again----issues of non-optimum running 
with the 3B engine have been found to be caused by the wrong plug 
type being used. You said:

"Plugs are F6DTC - not F5DPOR".

I'm not aware whether or not the F6DTC plugs have earned a record of 
performing as well or better than the recommended F5DPOR, but if you 
don't have a really good reason to use them, I'd consider going back 
to F5DPOR plugs before worrying about other factors. I'd think it's 
doubtful that the cap and rotor would be an issue at only 35K miles.



Phil Rose.....Rochester, NY USA
'06 A3q 3.2 V6 (20K, silver)
'91 200q	(165K, Lago blue)
Gone to Audi Valhalla:
'91 200q   (Tornado red)
'89 100 (Bamboo gold)

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