Fuel injector interchangeability

Austin Calise stincalise at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 7 18:44:30 PDT 2011

If buying new I'd probably look for a more modern fuel injector(better fuel atomization)  with the same flow ratings as the stock injectors. I had a set of cleaned injectors on my last 20v this is the place that did the refurbishing  http://www.witchhunter.com/ There are plenty of other places out there that do the service too.


--- On Sun, 8/7/11, David Sexton <sextondm at gmail.com> wrote:

From: David Sexton <sextondm at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fuel injector interchangeability
To: "Austin Calise" <stincalise at yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, August 7, 2011, 2:31 PM

Anyone have much experience buying new injectors for the 3B or sending them out to be "rebuilt?"

Dave Sexton
'91 200 20V TQ

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