
PeterBergin at PeterBergin at
Thu Dec 8 10:11:28 PST 2011

Toe is left =.17, right= .18, total .35 degrees.
I used Lehman's which is a good shop here, dealer will not do it by  
shimming, I will have to look around for someone in the Mpls/St Paul area.  
I do allot of my own work, problem is my 1 car garage had a  
motorcycle/snowmobile DIY shop in it and there is no way to get a car in.   Not something 
I want to do out side this time of year.
Thanks again, Pete
In a message dated 12/8/2011 12:05:25 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
b.benz at writes:

Pete,  you need to find a new alignment wrench or better, DIY.  

The sub frame can and should be moved enough to equalize camber, side to  

That much negative camber will wear tires on the inside. Where did they  
leave toe?


On Dec 8, 2011, at 9:44 AM, _PeterBergin at aol.com_ 
(mailto:PeterBergin at  wrote:

Thanks Bernie, called the shop that did the alignment.  They won't  do the 
shimming.  There solution is to measure and pinpoint the issue  than extract 
$$$$ out of me.
They did try moving the subfram, some minor improvement.  Car  drives fine 
and tires look good, even though I have only put about 10k miles  on it 
since I bought it last February.
My spec's from the shop after the alignment on camber are Left -1.2  
degrees (spec min -1.4 max -.06) and Right -2.1.
I have no idea how big of an issues this is, all control are bushings  were 
inspected and looked fine.
Hate to spend $$$$$$$ if I don't really need to.  Cars drives  fine.
I will have to get on the other forums.
Thanks again, Pete
In a message dated 12/8/2011 11:04:31 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
_b.benz at charter.net_ (mailto:b.benz at  writes:


See my DIY Alignment Tech Article posted on both  AW and QW forums.  
I’m active on the QW C5 forum, as its DIY,  DFWAB!  contrarian. Tough  
duty but someone has to do it.  Join us!

Camber: I believe that the ’02 S6 front suspension has the  aluminum  
vertical member with bolt on wheel bearing, as does my  ’02 A6 2.7 MT  
w/ Sport package. If so, camber is adjustable by  shimming the wheel  
bearing, BTDT. Before doing so, equalize the  camber between the two  
sides by moving the sub  frame.


On Dec 8, 2011, at 8:37 AM, _PeterBergin at aol.com_ 
(mailto:PeterBergin at   wrote:

> Hi guys, anyone have any front end alignment  information or advice  
> for a
> 2002 S6 (C5).   Yeah I need to sign up for one of the other lists.
> I  replace my right side tie rod end and went to a local shop for
>  alignment.  They adjusted the toe, however I was told the right   
> side camber  was off,
> and on my car it was not  adjustable.  Left camber was fine.
> I can't believe  that there is not a camber adjustment.
> Thanks,  Pete
> 91 200 (gone to new owner)
> 02 S6
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