Distributor part numbers for 1991 Audi TurboQuattro 20v

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Mon Jan 10 12:30:40 PST 2011

10V and 20V distributors are not the same!

On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Ben Swann wrote:

> Jim,
> I can get you a good dstributor - I probably have a nice one on the  
> shelf. $125.
> Lack of hall signal would definately cuase the problem.
> Not sure what the difference in the distributors are - the  
> distributors from '86
> 5000/200 turbo quattro on out through '91 pretty much are all the  
> same.  If it fits and
> runs, I bet there is no consequence to using the different version.
> You do need a single window hall sensor wheel and not the 5 window  
> version.  The main
> difference that I know of is the rotor on the 3B is narrower - I  
> don't know if that
> makes a difference in that you might not be able to use the narrow  
> tipped rotor on some
> versions of distributor...I don't know for sure.
> Ben
>   _____
> From: Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc. [mailto:Jim at hotgrips.com]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 2:20 PM
> To: Ben Swann
> Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Distributor part numbers for 1991 Audi TurboQuattro 20v
> Ben,
> Further to my being unable to start my 1991 Audi TQ 20v. I have a  
> situation where I need
> advice on distributors.
> As you might recall, I went thru many different attempts to revive  
> the car
> unsuccessfully.  I flatbed it to a shop who has been working on it  
> for 4+ weeks
> (Northern Motorsports - Wilder, VT) .  They reached a point where  
> after working on
> various issues they said I need a Hall Sensor kit p/n 1230329049 or  
> a whole distributor
> Bosch p/n 0237522019 or OEM Audi p/n 034905205Q.  They stated they  
> knew someone in
> Chicago that had a used correct distributor for $500. at which  
> point I told them I would
> locate a distributor.
> I contacted Force 5 (who specializes in used Audi parts) in  
> Concord, NH who shipped me
> what they felt was the correct distributor for a 1991 Audi  
> TurboQuattro 20v (3b engine)
> but the part number last digits are 2013 and not the 2019 that is  
> needed.
> The repair shop takes the position that the distributor ending  
> with  p/n ...2013 will
> enable the car to run, but that they do not know if the performance  
> will suffer as a
> result of it being the wrong distributor.
> Can you comment on the part numbers?
> Jim Hollander
> Hot Grips Mfg., Inc.
> Plainfield, NH
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