Sorting a 200q20v (low boost, stalling, heater, ...)

robert weinberg centaurus3200 at
Fri Jan 14 08:40:06 PST 2011

hi kenneth,

thanks for the advice. i actually did finally buy a new DD. a 2008 VW Jetta SE. 
still has a lot of warranty left. i figure with my 20 year old 200 and my wife 
having 217k on her 1997 A4, we needed some fresh meat :-)

see ya,

From: "auditude at" <auditude at>
To: 200q20v at
Sent: Fri, January 14, 2011 8:02:41 AM
Subject: re: Sorting a 200q20v (low boost, stalling, heater, ...)

Hi Robby, thanks for the response.  

I'm going to rule the BPV out specifically here from the keyboard for now, as 
I'm running an APR R1 valve currently and I believe the diaphragm is about as 
durable as a WG diaphragm.  It may be however that the signal hose has popped 
off or is leaking.  I'll check it all this weekend.  I do recall stalling as 
being a symptom of a failed BPV circuit, and I think that could explain my boost 
behavior as well.

By the way for a daily driver I would get a used Japanese mini truck.  It will 
be reliable, get good gas mileage, and have some good utility with the truck 


robert weinberg centaurus3200 at wrote:

"the stalling when pulling your foot off the accelerator in neutral is most 
likely a worn out bypass valve. just buy the billet one from 034. BTDT.

see ya,
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