winter fuel consumption

dgraber460 at dgraber460 at
Wed Jan 26 06:29:32 PST 2011

When I was still running the WX in my URQ, I started getting vapor lock on hot start in the _winter_ and not in the summer because of that crap. That MTBE was a bane to my existence with a CIS Audi at 5k feet!
The 3B doesn't mind it so much, and the cool weather turbo behavior compensates, and still puts a smile on my face every trip.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Cody Forbes <cody at>
To: 200q 20v <a200q20v at>
Cc: quattro at <quattro at>; 200q20v at <200q20v at>
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 8:09 pm
Subject: Re: winter fuel consumption

MTBE, google to see if your area uses it. 
Many parts of this country use MTBE during winter. MTBE is an oxygenate added to 
uel which increases it's octane and supposedly decreases emissions. Your 
possible) problem is that it's an oxygenate, which means that in effect it's 
asically oxygen taking up space in your fuel so that the car must inject a 
igher volume of liquid to be injecting the correct quantity of fuel. 
The following is using made up numbers to illustrate my point. It's as if every 
allon of liquid you have in your tank is only 9/10ths of a gallon of fuel with 
he rest of the volume taken up by MTBE.
-Cody (mobile)
On Jan 25, 2011, at 9:50 PM, 200q 20v <a200q20v at> wrote:
> Every winter my 200 becomes a gas guzzler. With the coldest winter on
 my ownership on record (global warming?) it has been the worst. It is
 approaching consumption of a 4.2 V8  in city driving. There is no loss
 of power, fuel smell, unusual exhaust, etc. VAG-COM data appears to be
 withing recommended limits.
 The only observation is that when engine is cold simultaneous clutch
 disengagement/gas release while driving with no acceleration (2nd or
 3rd gear) on a horizontal road results in noticeable RPM increase for
 a fraction of a second. If accelerating it is even more noticeable.
 Has anyone seen/solved anything like this?
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