Brake line questions

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Tue Jun 28 07:29:19 PDT 2011

DFWAB! (Don’t Fix What Ain’t Broke!). Start by overhauling, 
( disassembling and cleaning)  all 4 calipers and flushing the system.


On Jun 28, 2011, at 7:08 AM, SAJanesick - Bellsouth wrote:

> I've got a sticky rear brake caliper and thought I'd start with  
> replacing all the original brake lines and flushing the system.
> Anyone know if the rear brake lines are absolutely unique to the  
> 200q20v or are they the same as on a standard 200 sedan?  Also the  
> previous owner had the "upgrade" to the non UFO brakes (I've been  
> told they are the G60?).  Would the front brake lines be unique to  
> that change also?
> I have not yet started disassembling yet.  I just though I'd check  
> with the body of knowledge before digging the hole.
> Thanks,
>             Steve Janesick
>             sajanesick at
> P.S. As always any other suggestions or information on the subject  
> would be appreciated.
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