UFO brake conversion

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sat May 14 15:44:01 PDT 2011

christopher locke wrote:
> I have two '91 200tq20v's and need to do front brakes.  the UFO's have finally
> had it, and I need a conversion that won't break the bank.  I don't race,
> they're just daily drivers.  What is a nice conversion that doesn't cost $$$?

Most conversions cost money. You're buying rotors, calipers, pads, and
rubber brake lines.  You're basically completely replacing your brakes, not
just the pads. I believe most conversions involve the G60-version of the
struts, and some sort of custom bracket.  Even if you went with good used
struts, rotors and calipers, the brackets won't be cheap (if you can find
or design and make them).

The V8 converted to a 5-speed that passed through my hands had Audi A8 rotors
and Mercedes S-Class calipers. I don't know who made the brackets. The brakes
worked very well.

Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1990 200 Avant mit V8 conversion
gone: too many to count, including my first, "Bad Puppy"

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