driveshaft U-joint fitting problem

Jean-François Roldan roldan_jf at
Tue May 24 23:20:15 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I ordered the driveshaft rebuild kit from Blau because the center driveshaft 
bearing was too worn out, and the u-joint that came with the kit was not the 
right one. I called Blau, found out there were a few different sizes/models 
over the years for this part...

They had the correct one in stock, but my mechanic has problems inserting 
the fourth side of the cross because it seems a couple of mm too big and it 
pushes the bearings around and they simply cannot stay in place like the 
other 3...

Is there a trick to make it fit properly, or it is just because it was 
manufactured with a bad side slightly too big?

Do you guys have any experience with replacing this u-joint?


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