Hatch struts

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 05:01:44 PST 2011

Both of the ones shown in worldpac have metal ends. One is FEQ (which I
would never put on a car) and the other does not list the brand. about $14
my cost, they can be bought through car-quest. Part # 445 827 551.

I don't have any experience with the plastic end ones, that I know of.


On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 6:43 PM, Jay Kempf <jkempf at madriver.com> wrote:

> I pried the poor rusted remaining hatch strut off my car today. The old
> school original part complete with blue Audi rings on it was pretty well
> frozen in place, which is how the ball stud broke off the other side. I
> have
> a ball stud to weld back on on the other side and am preparing to do that.
> All modern cars have hatch struts with plastic ball socket ends. The ones
> that were on this car from the factory were metal ends. The space is
> limited. Has anyone put more modern plastic ended struts on the back of the
> avant? And if so what part number did you use and did they fit and where
> did
> you get them?

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