Spark plugs

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Oct 10 11:29:09 PDT 2011

I’ve been using Bosch F5DPORs in the 7A and 3B engines for many years  
now. Some with over 200K on them. Never just change a whole set,  
DFWAB! Over the years I have found 3 of these plugs, out of 3 sets,  
that have developed misses under boost, but were OK at idle and part  
throttle. I am now using them in the ’02 A6 2.7T with good results,  
just because I had a spare used set.

Scott Justusson claims that these are of an old design and that the  
new Laser Iridums are better for high boost conditions, such as NKG  
IFR6QG. Bosch has this type also, but not yet as a direct  
replacement. Haven’t tried them yet.


On Oct 10, 2011, at 10:26 AM, Mike Miller wrote:

> Thanks for the replies.
> It sounds like they will work, but like most said, need to be  
> changed more frequently. I've gotten over 100k on a couple sets of  
> F5DPOR's. Some say they work better under higher boost. As I am not  
> having any issues with the current plugs, as Bernie likes to say,  
> DFIIAB! I'm certain the wallet can find more inportant things to  
> appease the Audi gods with :-)
> --mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Austin Calise
> To: 200q20v at
> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 11:11 AM
> Subject: Spark plugs
> Mike, the FR5DTC triple-electrode copper plugs are what many S-CAR  
> folks choose as the alternative to the stock F5DPOR.
> While less expensive the will need to be changed more frequently  
> (maybe every 2-3oil changes) so in the end the price is almost equal.
> HTH's Austin
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