Straw Poll: How Dependable is Your 200q20v?

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Tue Oct 11 14:01:17 PDT 2011

Matt Suffern wrote:
> 1. How many times has your 200q20v left you stranded?
> 2. How many times have you had to use an alternate car because your
> 200q20v was laid up for repairs?

Too many. Starting with my first, "Bad Puppy" a '90 10V, the oil lines
let go twice, spewing oil and requiring a tow. The clutch pedal lost its
tab, so you couldn't use the clutch. Ignition switch. Those are the
memorable ones. The need for a starter or two on subsequent cars,
another ignition switch. A temp sensor/sendor on the A4, and the
ignition modules all showing a fault at the same time. I had it towed
the first time, before I learned that if I made 10 or so attempts at
starting, the ignition modules would come back to life and the car
would start like nothing had happened. Oh, and two of them burned to
the ground -- "Bad Puppy" in ownership of the step-son (we suspect
an old fuel line leaked onto something hot) and a '91 20V Avant
(suspecte a similar fuel issue).

Makes me wonder why I bother. :)

Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1990 200 Avant mit V8 conversion
gone: too many to count, including my first, "Bad Puppy"

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