
SAJanesick - Bellsouth sajanesick at bellsouth.net
Fri Oct 21 08:14:37 PDT 2011

Jay -

    I've never brought a car back that has been under that long, but what I 
do in general is: stop the fuel flow by disconnecting the fuel pump relay, 
shift into neutral, spin the engine a bit to get the oil modestly 
circulated, then reconnect the fuel pump relay and try to fire it up.  It 
could be there's more superstition than science behind circulating the oil, 
but I don't think it could hurt.  Shifting into neutral prevents unexpected 
results if the any part of the clutch release mechanism has frozen (as it 
seems to on my old 911).  Good luck.

            - Steve

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jay Kempf" <jkempf at madriver.com>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:57 AM
Subject: Mice

> Well,
> Bringing my Avant back and yesterday's task was demousing everything I 
> could
> get to. Actually I was pleased even though that is dirty nasty work. 
> Mostly
> they nested in a bag of ski clothes on the rear seat. I pulled the rear 
> seat
> and there was a nest in some insulation on the right side front next to 
> the
> battery. That insulation held a small VDO component with a hose connection
> and an electrical connection. I am assuming that is some vacuum pump for 
> the
> emission system That is was suspended in insulation without being mounted 
> to
> the body says it might be loud. I guess I will carve some dense foam to
> replace the pee soaked crud I took out.
> Both rear calipers snapped back to the lock when I cut the cable off of 
> them
> so that was good. I have new emergency brake cable so that is next, 
> digging
> those of from under the car. And the last thing underneath is to get at 
> the
> rear proportioning valve and see if it is frozen or not.
> Still looking for one front ABS sensor to replace the one I damaged and 
> the
> clip that goes in the hole in the upright. Still looking for one G60 
> caliper
> carrier. Car now rolls and steers smoothly after all the strut and front 
> end
> work and getting all the stuck brakes out.
> Anyone have a ritual for starting up a car after a long sleep? Magic oils,
> incantations, tests? All fluids are perfect. Trying to charge the 5 year 
> old
> battery right now. Worth a try.
> jfk
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