auxilary fan acting up

Phil Rose pjrose at
Wed Aug 15 10:36:57 PDT 2012

That sounds OK to me--happens especially if the car is in motion (and 
being cooled). But if that very short intermittant running is 
happening on a hot day _while the car is idling_ and the fan shuts 
off --letting the temp climb well above the middle mark, then perhaps 
a problem. Might be a good idea to check the connector to the 
radiator temp sensor--maybe it's become corroded. As I recall, it's 
not easy to reach.

One way to check the fan is by operating the A/C (if it's still 
operational. I use mine rarely 'cause it's lost most of its freon 
over the past 21 years without a recharge!). AFAIR, the A/C should 
cause the fan to operate continuously on high speed.


At 10:30 AM -0700 8/13/12, robert weinberg wrote:
>hi all,
>the last few times i drove the car, the aux fan kicks in at the 
>usual point on the temp gauge BUT it only stays on for like a second 
>or two, then turns of, then turns on a again for a few seconds, and 
>so on.
>is this the symptom of a failing temp relay (what's that thing called again?)
>200q20v mailing list


Phil Rose.....Rochester, NY USA
'06 A3q 3.2 V6 (20K, silver)
'91 200q	(165K, Lago blue)
Gone to Audi Valhalla:
'91 200q   (Tornado red)
'89 100 (Bamboo gold)

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