auxilary fan acting up

Tony Hoffman auditony at
Wed Aug 15 10:59:22 PDT 2012


As Phil mentioned, this sounds like normal opperation, unless it's super
short cycles. Should cycle for about 15 sec, IIRC, then off, then on again
whenever the temp switch is triggered.

The AC runs the fan on low speed, till the temp switch overrides it. Then
it will run on high speed till cooled enough, then back down to low speed.
Unfortunately, living here in TX, my A/C gets used all the time :(


On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Phil Rose <pjrose at> wrote:

> Robby,
> That sounds OK to me--happens especially if the car is in motion (and
> being cooled). But if that very short intermittant running is happening on
> a hot day _while the car is idling_ and the fan shuts off --letting the
> temp climb well above the middle mark, then perhaps a problem. Might be a
> good idea to check the connector to the radiator temp sensor--maybe it's
> become corroded. As I recall, it's not easy to reach.
> One way to check the fan is by operating the A/C (if it's still
> operational. I use mine rarely 'cause it's lost most of its freon over the
> past 21 years without a recharge!). AFAIR, the A/C should cause the fan to
> operate continuously on high speed.
> Phil

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