radiator replacement

Kneale Brownson kneale at knitknacks.com
Mon Aug 27 16:46:23 PDT 2012

Have you considered taking the parts to a radiator shop and having it 

The actual OEM radiator has been unavailable for several years.

You also might look for used from Force5Automotive dot com.  Even a used 
radiator for an MC could be modified to provide fittings for the 
auxiliary radiator.

On 8/27/2012 4:26 PM, Pete Zeman wrote:
> Hi All -
> Been subscribed for a few years and (thankfully) haven't had any problems..until now.  Radiator totally went and I'm looking for a replacement.  Anyone have suggestions out there?  I've tried about 8 different online/local shops and they all say the 20v version is no longer available.  Even tried Audi direct.  Most places can't even distinguish between the 10v and the 20v when I call and it's getting frustrating.  Are there other makes/models that work?  The current rad lasted 22 years :)
> Regards,
> Pete
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