diagnosis help

PeterBergin at aol.com PeterBergin at aol.com
Wed Feb 8 17:07:05 PST 2012

Hi, coming into this thread a bit late.  Mine did all that and it was  the 
O2 sensor.  Had the same codes with a rare O2 sensor code.  Came  and went. 
Put in the sensor and all codes stopped.  Boost improved slightly  also.
I jumped through the same hoops you did first.
Hope this helps.
In a message dated 2/8/2012 2:55:25 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
feelstranger at hotmail.com writes:

Well, I swapped the dizzy out for another I had, and  immediately got the 
same code (Hall sensor) after start up, which it  did.  Same behavior while 
driving - CEL on, off, on, etc.
Guess I need  to look elsewhere
Bad wire between hall and ECU?

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