200q20v Digest, Vol 102, Issue 1

George Sidman george at gsidman.com
Mon May 14 13:09:41 PDT 2012

Yesterday I posted my One Owner California '91 200 Avant on the site and 
it went up just fine. I also posted it on eBay and a couple of other 

I just bought a 2001 allroad with the 6 speed manual transmission and it 
drives a lot like the 200. So, after 21 years, 317,000 miles and a bunch 
of TLC - all on the original drive train and clutch - I am selling the 
200.  I am also selling the A8 as it just doesn't fit with the driving 
experience of the 200 or the allroad.

Hopefully, within the week, I will no longer be enjoying the jabs of 
Bernie, and the sage counsel and sound advice of this list.  I am also 
compelled to say that, without this list, there is no way I could have 
kept the 200 on the road. So, many thanks to the many of you who 
contribute and make this all work....

I will stay hooked up on the other Audifans lists.

George Sidman
831 601-1776
George at gsidman.com

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