Winter tires

Eric Huppert ehuppert at
Thu Nov 29 16:40:09 PST 2012

For snow tires we were selling the Firestone winterforce line (inexpensive),
but due to sizing issues we ending up installing the General Altimax Artics
on one customer's vehicle. Have also sold the Dunlop Graspic's, but now
advising the Generals! Fairly aggressive, deep and open tread pattern and
seem to ride as well as can be expected for snows. Plus, probably 90% of
that line are manufactured in Germany! Not keen on either Korean or Chinese


The Generals are not a high end tire, but are more than sufficient for the
"normal" driver. As for the V rating.. If you need a tire rated as such for
snow I would have to question your sanity.. Oh, I forgot, we're driving



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