auxilary fan acting up

robert weinberg centaurus3200 at
Sat Sep 8 12:26:25 PDT 2012

hi all,

as typical. even a simple task like swapping a relay necessitates me asking you fine folks a question.

there are two relays, one in slot 2 and one in slot 3. #2 says fan (engine radiator) relay. #3 says cooling fan relay. umm.. what's the difference? there's only one aux fan, right?

both relays currently in the car say 214 on top. 

anyway, the symptoms are once the car gets up to temp to turn on the aux fan, it only comes on for like a second or two, then keeps turning itself on and off every few seconds. rather than just stay on until the temp gauge reaches the mark to turn the aux fan off.


 From: Tony Hoffman <auditony at>
To: robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at> 
Cc: Phil Rose <pjrose at>; 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: auxilary fan acting up

Phil hit it on the head. If you want to doublecheck and make sure everything else is working correctly in the system, do the following: Turn the key to run (engine does not have to be running). Pull the fan relay. Jump across teh two terminals that form a capital "T". If the fan runs, the rest of the circuit is good. If it goes into a weak/lporadic running mode, you have issues elsewhere.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 3:25 PM, robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at> wrote:

thanks phil - if if it's a sensor/switch, it will be this thing . and only this thing. i'll replace the relay too. i'd rather not be cheap with $5-$10 parts only to have the thing overheat!

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