RS2'd 3b (Richard N. Harris)
Adam Gratz
adamgratz at
Thu Feb 28 14:40:49 PST 2013
Richard. Yes, that's what I'm running, MTM 3 Barr. MTM says they burn the
chips using their dyno for each specific setup. I bought mine used from a
fellow lister who was running RS2 injectors and turbo. I have rs2 injectors
and exhaust manifold, but a larger hybrid turbo. It is important to have
the right 1.7 or 1.9 barr wastegate spring to match the MTM chipset. I
spent $1800 with 2Bennett Audimotive trying to diagnose a max boost of 15
pounds. I told them it felt like the wastegate was stuck open. They were
unable to diagnose the issue and told me I needed a new turbo (mine was 500
miles new) and new computer. I changed out the wastgate spring to a 1.7
barr for $20 and whooosh! 28 lbs boost. More than I personally care for.
Car is for sale, as I mentioned last post: See it on you tube by searching
for HKiDt-VaAyI
$500 of to list folks, and big thanks for the last 100K trouble free miles!
Heading towards an A3 TDI. Anyone have one for sale or have a comment?
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:00 PM, <200q20v-request at> wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. RS2'd 3b (Richard N. Harris)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 15:26:40 -0500
> From: "Richard N. Harris" <rnharris at>
> To: <200q20v at>
> Subject: RS2'd 3b
> Message-ID: <0a3a01ce1528$c099c0a0$41cd41e0$@net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Anyone running an MTM 2.5 or 3 bar MTM chipset on an RS2'd 200? I was
> thinking about purchasing it from a fellow on MG; however, I can't any
> details or feedback on the web. The owner purchased the chipset for his
> car, but sold off the car before installing.
> My existing Ben Swann 2.5 bar chipset ran great on the car with the K24,
> but
> appears to be leaving too much(according the my questionably calibrated
> b-Dyno) on the table.
> Thanks,
> Richard
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