Timing Belt writeup

Kneale Brownson kneale at knitknacks.com
Sat Jul 6 08:01:50 PDT 2013

I forgot about web archive.  Half way down this page you can see the 
camshaft with its keyway.


On 7/6/2013 8:00 AM, SAJanesick - Bellsouth wrote:
> Does anyone have a good link to a timing belt writeup?
> I popped a belt.  It was my fault as a piece of hardware fell into the TB area during a valve cover gasket change.  Being old and deaf, I did not hear it - until I cranked the engine...  The hardware broke off a small piece of the protective flange around the crankshaft area and then presumably proceeded to wedge in between the crankshaft gear and break the belt.  So far it appears I'm lucky and no valves crashed.  I'll know more once the new belt is on and I gently turn the engine over a few dozen times by hand and then do a leak down test.
> The specific question I have concerns the camshaft and crankshaft gears.  I have not yet taken them off.  Are they keyed with a woodruff or just tightened down onto a tapered shaft?  It's been so long since I did a change, I can't recall.  Bentley shows a woodruff key for the camshaft on SOHC engines, although Scott Mackey's site says there may or may not be a camshaft gear key.  I cannot find anything about a keyed crankshaft gear.  Bentley just shows it neatly coming off with the vibration damper and the reverse of that for reassembly.
> I have spare transportation so an answer is not urgently required, but it would be nice to have a good writeup as guidance for the remaining of the weekend.  I thought I had a writeup that I printed off from Cris Miller about a decade ago, but now I can't lay my hands on it.
> As always, all help appreciated.
>          - Steve Janesick
>             sajanesick at bellsouth.net
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