Blue smoke at startup - and hard starts... again
robert weinberg
centaurus3200 at
Tue Jun 11 16:46:33 PDT 2013
might also explain why this thing seems to munch plugs.
i always just attributed it to the 034 chip.
From: "Lavine, David" <David.Lavine at>
To: robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at>; 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:30 PM
Subject: RE: Blue smoke at startup - and hard starts... again
I had similar blue smoke was a crusty valve cover gasket filling sparkplugs wells with oil and some migrated down the threads. New gasket all gone
From: robert weinberg
Sent: 6/11/2013 7:13 PM
To: 200q20V mailing list
Subject: Blue smoke at startup - and hard starts... again
hi all,
first off, i MAYBE drive the thing like once every 1 to 2 months. so, i'm
sure that's not helping keep the the valve seals lubricated. just did
this on today's start up.. DOES NOT smoke once running. 034 did a compression test and leakdown a few years ago (which means like 3,000
miles ago ;-) said it was like new. could also be a leaky pcv?
plus it's doing it's hard start BS again when the engine is warm. it
stopped for a while when i swap out the freebie FPR i got. so,
probably the check valve. might as well get a higher flow fuel pump too
being you have to take it out anyway. the hum of the pump has been getting a bit louder lately. they all hum a little, right?
see ya,Robby
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