No Start?

Cody Forbes cody at
Mon Jul 7 17:43:37 PDT 2014

Have you checked for spark?

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On Jul 7, 2014, at 5:06 PM, Kneale Brownson <kneale at> wrote:

> My 200q20v has not started since I drove it into the garage after running over a pile of ice chips the plows had left in an intersection.
> I've replaced the timing sensors because one tested way below spec and the other was marginal.  I thought maybe the timing pin on the front of the flywheel had been damaged, but today I removed the starter and turned the engine until I could see the pin looking bright and shiny.
> The fuel pump runs with a fuse in the relay.  I replaced the fuel filter when I replaced the sensors.
> Where's my "fire"?
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