Brake Master Cylinder

SAJanesick - Bellsouth sajanesick at
Tue Mar 4 11:40:00 PST 2014


The bottom link from AutohausAZ lists an ATE OEM part for the TQ20V. That is 
the best example I can provide for you although I also found it referenced 
in the ATE web catalog as:03.2125-3610.3 010214, found on this link:;jsessionid=CB4BA8AD2CDA5863BDF349DD8C22D2EE.ows_cs1?view=VIndexFramesetJsp

After reading your information about rebuilder reluctance on aluminum parts, 
I looked back at the RockAuto CENTRIC part that I purchased and it is NOT 
listed as a rebuilt unit.  I mistook it for a Cardone rebuilt unit below it. 
Make sense as there also was no core charge on it.

The question still remains as to whether or not I could simply plug the 
unneeded holes and carry on from there.

            - Steve

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott DeWitt" <scotty at>
To: "SAJanesick - Bellsouth" <sajanesick at>
Cc: <200q20v at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Brake Master Cylinder

> What part number do you need?
> I had a conversation at AAPEX with a guy who was working a booth for a
> reman company and he said that they do not rebuild any brake components
> that have aluminium housings, as often people never change the fluid and
> it gets slightly corrosive and pits the surface. The only correct way to
> rebuild those would be to sleeve it and they couldn't compete with the
> companies that just replace the seals.
> Scott
> On Tue, March 4, 2014 12:49 pm, SAJanesick - Bellsouth wrote:
>> Chipping down the list of things to fix a binding RF caliper, the next
>> item to change is the brake master cylinder.  AutohausAZ has one at 
>> $300+,
>> but since the car is so old and this is something of an experiment, I
>> opted for a cheaper rebuilt unit from RockAuto - CENTRIC Part # 
>> 13033110 -
>> for $103.  The unit I received is apparently similar but not identical to
>> the original.
>> The rebuilt CENTRIC looks like the BMC for the standard 200 Quattro as
>> illustrated by AutohausAZ.
>> The BMC for the TQ20V appears identical except it only has two ports vs.
>> the four ports above.
>> According to an ATE cross-reference site, the internal specs are the same
>> in terms of bore.  Externally they appear identical save the two
>> additional ports.
>> I have not fitted it yet in case I need to send it back.
>> The question is has anyone used the unit for the standard 200 and capped
>> the two additional brake line feed holes with a threaded plug and then
>> successfully used that BMC in the TQ20V, or are there internal 
>> differences
>> that require the original 2 port version?
>> If I can save $230 by altering the 4 port BMC to a 2 port, then I'll be
>> satisfied to drive around town.  No track time intended.
>> Thanks,
>>     - Steve Janesick
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