Stumble w/Throttle

Kenneth auditude at
Sun Sep 21 22:45:00 PDT 2014

Thanks for the replies.  I unplugged the MFTS and while the behavior seemed 
better somehow, some stumbling was still there.  It needs replacing, again, 

I'll try a different MAF sensor next and see if that does anything.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Phil Rose

Sounds similar to symptom my '91 200q had all this summer. It finally threw 
a code indicating a problem with the MAF sensor. I checked all sensor 
connections and finally removed the sensor and saw a broken wire. I replaced 
with a used MAF sensor and problem solved.

The temp gauge issue is possibly our old nemisis, the MFTS. That would also 
affect engine running, but not a stumble problem, AFAIK.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Kneale Brownson

Disconnect the multifunction sensor hanging below the coolant manifold. May 
be a bad sensor. 

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