AC help

Jay Kempf jkempf at
Mon Aug 3 19:23:15 PDT 2015

Hi guys,

My 200 20v avant is coming back slowly. So I am tackling AC. Had a 
compressor body seal that failed which is now fixed. Had another leak 
couldn't find it. Finally ended up being a small leak that only leaked 
under vacuum, not pressure, one of the crush rings under the head of one 
of the compressor bolts. Fixed that up plus some other seals and orings. 
Flushed system with nitrogen, vacuumed down for an hour and recharged, 
now compressor sounds like crap and is vibrating. I am thinking I might 
have a clog or something now. I would like to flush the system to clear 
it of all old oil and debris before recharging. The system is holding 
pressure now and it will blow cold but I need to get the compressor to 
quiet down. The compressor spins very freely and I just had it apart on 
the bench and it is mechanically perfect with new seals and front rotor 
seals. As I only changed out the compressor I put the appropriate amount 
of oil in for a compressor change. Have never dealt with an orifice tube 
system other than this one. Where is that bloody thing?




jkempf at
802 272 5868

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