
Jay Kempf jkempf at
Tue Jun 23 15:22:16 PDT 2015

Doing A/C diag today. I put 250 lbs of nitrogen into my system to leak 
check and found the front seam, not the front seal of my compressor 
blowing lots of bubbles. Still adds up to a pretty small leak but enough 
to dump the charge in hours not days. Just got done doing our Rover and 
found only one bad Oring so I thought I had karma to do a no dollar fix 
on the avant.

Is a front seam a gasket replacement as opposed to a rebuilt compressor 
and if so what is the source for the seal kit?

Amazing to be going around the second time on these sorts of things 
during my ownership. Probably did that compressor in 2005 or there 
abouts.  Other than that the system seems sound. Course I also developed 
a small audible leak in my high side quick disconnect adapter which 
didn't help...




jkempf at
802 272 5868

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