Need a clutch!

Eric Huppert ehuppert at
Thu Mar 5 16:40:20 PST 2015

So, after many years of having boost issues I finally swapped out my 100k
mile plugs. Plugs were new shortly before the 3b was chipped and always had
a problem above 15lbs of boost. Went through lots of troubleshooting, but
medical issues took precedence and ended up just driving it "normal". Put
new plugs in last night and walla, 21 lbs of boost with no problems!!! Yay.


But, clutch is not liking 21 lbs as much as I do! Not certain if a stock
Sachs will hold, or do I need a Southbend or spec? Not too keen on spending
$500 on a clutch, but also don't want to do the job twice!





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