Still no start

Mike Miller mikemilr at
Thu Apr 27 12:46:47 PDT 2017

Did you possibly lose the pin on the fly wheel?


On 4/27/2017 1:15 PM, Jay Kempf wrote:
> 1991 20VT avant 220k miles.
> Still working on the problem where it quit on me last year. I dug 
> under the intake and refreshed the ignition system with new cap, 
> rotor, wires, knock sensors.  checked all rubber that contains vacuum 
> and /or boost, I rebuilt that bracket on the firewall that had all the 
> bloody connectors stuck on it so it is perfect and rust free now and 
> all is connected I think perfectly. I haven't moved the distributor 
> since it quit and it was running fine with it in that position.
> Just got blink codes 2121, 2112, 2111   Idle switch fault, G4 Timing 
> Reference sensor fault, and G28 RPM sensor fault. SJM says to possibly 
> ignore 2112, 2111 if you don't do the test running which I can't. The 
> idle switch will mess with the injector output tests because that's 
> how you cycle through the codes. So I did output tests and have no 
> evidence of injector firing even though it cycled through all the 
> codes. Never heard or felt any injectors clicking 5 times. The rest of 
> the ouput tests were fine.
> I ran the fuel pump off of a jumper and tried to start with the jumper 
> in place of the fuel pump and nothing.
> Checked coil input and outputs, all wires for correct resistance, all 
> good. Plugs, relatively new in terms of miles.
> Checked for fuel pressure at the rail while jumper was on and you 
> could feel the pump slow down against the pressure and there is 
> certainly fuel in the rail under adequate pressure.
> So what am I missing. The idle switch won't stop it from running. The 
> ECU is reporting properly and I swapped ECUs with someone a while back 
> when I thought there was a running problem and no change so I am 
> pretty sure my ECU is functioning properly.
> Both timing reference and RPM sensing will keep the engine from 
> knowing it is running, correct? So I guess I should go back and test 
> that stuff. Still have to do basic coil output spark tests but I am 
> solo today.
> I am running out of things to check. I am starting to guess I need to 
> go continuity checking harnesses looking for which wire which rodent 
> ate. Frustrating.

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