Drilling pins

Jay Kempf jkempf at madriver.com
Tue May 9 09:29:49 PDT 2017

That thing doesn't want to give up. I did a bunch of time on drills and 
dremels this AM.

I do not want to have to take the transmission back out of this car just 
for this tiny thing.

Here's an idea. What if I weld a sheet metal blade in there? Take a 
piece of say 16 gauge and bend it like an angle bracket and weld it on 
the surface such that the edge of it is right where the pin should be. I 
can always just grind the welds to get it back off if I have to. 
Alternatively I could weld a pin into a plate and then weld the plate to 
the flywheel.

Nothing in that area is responding to any sort of drilling. The outer 
part of the starter ring where this pin/hole is is probably hardened as 
well to at least Rc50 my guess. That's what I would have done if I was 
designing it.

What a pain in the arse.




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