[A4] Snub Mount

Roger Mecking mp3 at bellatlantic.net
Sun Dec 7 12:41:10 EST 2003

Hey Dave,
The APR snub mount is a great upgrade for your A4.  When you see the 
stock mount when you take it out you'll wonder why Audi ever made it out 
of foam rubber.  As for warranty issues, I doubt a dealership would void 
parts warranties due to a snub mount... Only thing I could think of is 
them voiding the 2 main motor mounts, but a4 at audifans.com a bit 
far-fetched.  There's an excellent writeup on the mount install on APR's 
site in PDF form.  If you haven't done much work on your car before, 
it'll take about 2-3 hours, less if your a D.I.Y.er.
Good luck and enjoy it,

David M. Weprin wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>I'm sick of the driveline shock that I feel when upshifting or downshifting
>in my '01 A4 2.8 Tip, so I've been looking at APR's Engine Snub Mount to
>help reduce that.
>Can anyone recommend or unrecommend this product to me?
>Any ideas on what parts of my warranty this would void?
>How difficult is it to install?
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>A4 at audifans.com
| - Roger Mecking

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| - 1999.5 Audi A4 1.8TQM Silver w/ Onyx
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