[A4] Random electrical issues

Rich Samuels rsamuels at usa.net
Wed Dec 10 23:24:02 EST 2003


Has anyone experienced these issues with an A4 (mine is 2003 1.8T Quattro)? :
   1. A/C compressor needed replacement at 1000 miles.
   2. Middle of drivers-side heated seat does not get hot (now at 6,500 miles).

- On the A/C compressor, the part was on "national backorder" and it took 3 
weeks to get the car back from the dealer. Audi service said that driving 
it before it was fixed would have contaminated the system. The receipt from 
the dealer showed this at only 3,500 miles! (what does this mean?) :

      "A/C not blowing cold. Faulty compressor. Replaced compressor. 
Replaced Restricker and Receiver Dryer"

- For the heated seat issue, the very side (couple of inches on each side 
angling up) of the seat gets burning hot, but the actual middle of the seat 
as well as the entire seat back stays cold. Never noticed this until used 
in the winter, so it could have been this way from factory. Need to have 
Audi service fix this next week. They said it is the heating element in the 

- Furthermore, just last week, the controls for the side-view mirrors just 
popped through the hole in the drivers door when I was adjusting them. Audi 
will need to fix this next week along with the heated seat.

Are these specific problems common with Audis? I have not had a great 
experience so far . . .

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