[A4] Help/Advice requested!!!

Stock, Nicholas nicholas_stock at merck.com
Mon Aug 2 11:28:19 EDT 2004

Fellow A4 owners....I'm scratching my head over this little, trivial thing
which is driving me nuts. I need to replace the center vent unit, but the
ONLY thing in my way is removing the lighting cable for the vent slider
illumination, from it's socket on the inside of the dash. It's tucked out of
the way inside the dash and I cannot for the life of me figure how to get
the socket out of it's holder. Is there a special tool for it:? I've checked
the Audi Service Manuals and I can't find the information I need. Any help
would be really appreciated!



Dr. Nicholas Stock 
Merck Research Labs San Diego
3535 General Atomics Court
San Diego
CA 92121
Tel: 858-202-5314

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