[A4] die audi! ahhhhhhhh more codes!

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Sun Dec 5 20:19:06 EST 2004

At 7:59 PM -0500 12/5/04, Brizax at aol.com wrote:
>i hear ya, if i had xtra cash i would of fixed mine, however just keeping  it
>running with bills is enough to not have any xtra cash

	yes, but the dealer did it for free.  worth a road trip?

	i know that when you resistorize it, the light goes off, so at
least the rest of the system works.

>,.there is no local 
>audi dealer here yet also , the front regular airbags still work, p.s.  if the
>airbag light comes on all airbags are disabled
>i am out of warranty.  my dealer covered it.
>i have little interest in making my audi less safe.
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  Rocky Mullin 

  "Evil kills those who perpetrate it, and the pastures of inequity are harmful"


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