[A4] Considering to buy A3, but how about the temperature?

Richard Hurt rnhurt at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 10:50:43 EST 2004

Yea, I agree on that vent thing.  Wow, it doesn't seem to hard to add
a button to turn everything off except outside air.  The other thing
that bothers me slightly is the non-ability to turn on air
recirculation without the compressor on.  Grrrrr.... sometimes you
drive by something stinky (think skunk roadkill) in the winter and you
can't turn off the outside air without killing everything (including
the heater!).  Who thought that up!?!?

Apart from those annoyances, I really like my A4.  :)


On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 07:29:31 -0800 (PST), Dan DiBiase
<d_dibiase at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Richard Hurt <rnhurt at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Christian,
> >
> > At predefined temperatures, the Audi climate control system turns on
> > either full heat or full A/C.  On my North American A4 I think these
> > are around 60F & 80F; anything below 60F puts the system into full A/C
> > and any setting above 80F turns on the heater full blast.  So, you
> > might have triggered the full A/C.  I, personally, really love my
> > climate control system and it seems to work very well.
> I like the one in my A4 as well, although I wish it was a little easier to
> get "just" outside air in the car - the only way to do that is to set it
> all the way down to 'LO' and hit the ECONOMY button then adjust the fan
> speed... Even doing this, it seems like the air is always slightly
> heated... Too bad there isn't just a 'vent' button that one could hit to
> get outside air only into the car... But overall, for the first climate
> control system I have ever had, I like to be able to 'set it and forget
> it' (with apologies to Ron Popeil)...
> Dan D
> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
> Central NJ USA

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