[A4] Octane

Rich Samuels rsamuels at usa.net
Tue Jan 6 19:54:49 EST 2004

What is recommended as far as octane on an '03 1.8T? I've been using 93 all 
along, but I'm not sure how 89 would fare.

Next, as far as oil changes go, I understand that Audi places synthetic oil 
in the car when manufactured. The Audi dealer here provides free oil 
changes, but they use Regular oil -- not synthetic -- unless you pay extra 
$$ or bring your own. The dealer insists that one can mix regular oil and 
synthetic with no problems. I recently added 1 quart of Mobile1 synthetic, 
but it is due for its first 10k oil change soon.


At 01:41 PM 1/6/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Have you played around with different octanes?  We switched from 93
>octane to 89 octane and actually got better mileage (about 2 mpg).

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