[A4] RE: Strange cooling behavior at 0F ambient

Rocket Science Racing rocketscienceracing at comcast.net
Tue Jan 13 07:16:17 EST 2004

Thanks, Tom and Chris, for your replies. So there are at least 3 of us out
there with cars that are either broken or normal!


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	tom winter [mailto:tom at freeskier.com]
Sent:	Monday, January 12, 2004 10:04 AM

Other folks (and I'm thinking true experts like Huw and his type) may have
more insights, but I live at 8,500 ft in the rocky mountains. My temp gauge
on my old 86 4000cs, as well as the one on my 5000csqa (when it drove, see
postings) as well as the 89 100 that I'm tooling around in now spent a lot
of time at 1/4 when it was really cold. When I head down to lower, warmer
climes, like Boulder, Co which sits at 6000ft, the gauge acts "normal" again
and goes up to the middle. So, I don't know what "normal" is, but the
behavior of your gauge sounds normal to me from my experiences.


on 1/12/04 9:58 AM, rocketscienceracing at comcast.net at
rocketscienceracing at comcast.net wrote:

> As some of us have no doubt noticed, the last week or so saw some 0
to -10F
> weather here in the Northeast. Nothing compared to certain other climes,
> my 98A41.8 sure acted funny.
> At those temperatures the coolant temperature guage, normally rock solid
> straight up (half way) once the engine is fully up to temperature, would
> rise above 1/4 up. It was almost as if I had a stuck thermostat. I say
> because engine temperature did not vary with speed. Now that the temps
> returned to above 0F it is acting normally again.
> So, is this normal? Anyone else experience this?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> 98.5A41.8Tqm

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