[A4] Remote entry

rocketscienceracing at comcast.net rocketscienceracing at comcast.net
Tue Jan 13 10:44:08 EST 2004

> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:33:05 -0500
> From: "Larry Velez" <velez at sinu.com>
> It actually works out rather well. When it locks at 10mph it will unlock the
> door when you turn off the car. I think it is even
> smart enough to know if only the driver's door was opened
> when entering the car.
> I think I have noticed it sometimes open all the
> doors when the car is shut off and sometimes just the driver's door. I am 
> thinking that it monitors the other doors to see if they
> are opened before starting the car.

That it does. I live with this everyday since I used Vag-Com to reprogram my car to provide for auto-locking. Unfortunately, this can be a security issue in parking lots. For example, you are exiting your car but you only want the driver's door to open, and only when you are ready, not when you take the key out. I've found that the software supports a feature whereby if you manually hit the lock button then the door(s) will not auto-unlock when you remove the key from the ignition.


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