[A4] 2002 A4 problems

Brian J White brian at bjwhite.net
Fri Jan 16 09:16:40 EST 2004

Sounds like you should try another dealer.
But AoA's number is:


At 06:08 2004-01-16, Brett Messimer wrote:
>Howdy all:
>Has anyone else had lots of problems with their 2002 A4 1.8Tq?  Ever since I
>bought the car in 2002 I've had lots of problems, the latest being the
>thermostat dumping coolant out.  I have only put 37k miles on the car and I
>can't even imagine that a thermostat would not last longer than that.  To
>make matters worse, my car has been at the dealer (er, stealer ship rather)
>since Wednesday waiting for a replacement thermostat.  I was just called by
>the stealer ship and notified that there are none(!) in the US and they have
>to wait to get a replacement from Germany (!) that won't be here until the
>end of next week, at the earliest!  This is ridiculous!  I can't believe
>that there are NO thermostats in the US.  This is inexcusable.  Amongst all
>the other problems I've had, has been a miserable parts department that
>can't order the proper items!  I had my car in 4 different times to get the
>center console replaced (cracked along the left side, less than 30k miles!)
>but each time I took my car in (overnight as usual) either the console
>didn't come in (even though I was told it was in) or they had ordered the
>wrong part (how can you order the wrong console?).  I am thoroughly
>disgusted with these problems.
>Does anyone know how I can contact Audi of American, or whatever it's called
>(I can't look it up in my owner's manual as it's with the car at the stealer
>ship) to voice my disgust?
>I'm used to German cars having their peculiarities and problems, as I've
>owned Porsches for over 15 years, but this is ridiculous!
>Thanks for the help and advice.
>Brett Messimer
>2002 A4 1.8TqM  <--  dead, in pieces at the stealer ship
>1987 944 Turbo
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