[A4] Side Mirror Replacement

Aaron Azevedo Aaron.Azevedo at saucony.com
Mon Mar 29 13:50:21 EST 2004

I've never done it myself, but have read many posts on audiworld.com and
have the sense that its easy.  Use the interior adjustments and tip the
mirror all the way up.  With a small plastic spacle knive, 'pop' te
glass and black trip out of the 'guts'.  Installation is a careful press
fit reversal.

Good luck, Aaron

>>> "Mark Delisi" <mrdelisi at hotmail.com> 3/29/2004 11:56:16 AM >>>
How hard is it to replace the side view mirror on a 97 A4 1.8T?  Has
done this?  I only need to replace the glass part - it is clouding up. 
housing and automatic adjusting mechanism is fine.  Thanks for any help

here.  Also, any idea on where to get floor mats?  AudiUSA does not
them anymore for one this old and I need a driver's side mat.



1997 Audi A4, 1.8T

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