[A4] Drive Axles

Andy Hellmann a65l at cox.net
Mon May 3 06:13:51 EDT 2004

Got a torn boot on the front outer axle.  Caught in time (whew!) and it's still full of grease so I'm replacing just the boot.  Received new style which is plastic instead of rubber.  I suspect I don't have the hollow shafts, which means I"m going to have to press the outer joint off.  Anybody got any suggestions for a substitute VAG tool?  I suppose once I get the shaft out of the car and look at it it will make perfect sense, but for now...

A.  the rain will let up
B.  I'll be able to find  a set of triple square bits locally...

I'd offer to take pictures of the process but I don't have a photographer and I'm not going to be able to do it.


"A little nonesense now and then
is treasured by the wisest men"

Andy Hellmann
VA Beach VA

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