[A4] sticking climate control buttons

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Sun Nov 7 17:47:47 EST 2004

	i've always thought it was nutso to have a drinkholder right
about the main center console control panel.

At 10:47 AM -0800 11/7/04, Brian White wrote:
>The solution to the problem is to not drink sticky drinks in your 
>car.  Syrup from juice, soda and
>even coffee can get back there and play havoc with the buttons.
>You can remove the entire HVAC control panel and you can remove the 
>faceplate that contains all the
>buttons and rinse it out with water and they'll come back.  Be 
>careful removing and reinstalling
>the faceplate onto the control unit as the rubber contact points on 
>the printed circuit board are
>very easy to damage.
>---------- Original Message -----------
>From: JeffR <p1nh3ad at comcast.net>
>To: a4 at audifans.com
>Sent: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 01:19:18 -0800
>Subject: [A4] sticking climate control buttons
>>  Ive heard some people have had the same issue but i have noticed that a
>>  few of the buttons on the climate control stick when i push them in and
>>  it takes a while to become unstuck.  does anyone have a good solution
>>  for the sticking buttons? its only a few buttons so its nothing major
>>  but its a little obnoxious.
>>  Jeff
>>  '00 1.8T A4
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  Rocky Mullin 

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