[A4] No warm-up...?

sub subscriptions at globalape.com
Tue Nov 9 13:14:21 EST 2004

Great, that makes me feel better ! 

Yea, good excuse to have some fun, ..."Italian tuneup".

Quincy Chiang wrote:

>My old A4 I had since new (also '01.5 1.8t) did the exact same warm up routine as you described:
>warm outside: idle at 1200-1300 rpm for 30 sec or so and drops to 850rpm
>cold outside: idle at ~900 rpm right after start.
>I always thought it's kinda wierd that it didn't idle higher when it's cold out, but didn't seem to affect anything else.  
>I don't think your so-called problem is related to not driving enough, but I'd be concerned about carbon buildup inside the cylinder due to short trips.  You really should do an "Italian tuneup" once for a while to get the engine nice and hot and burn off all that crap inside.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: sub <subscriptions at globalape.com>
>Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2004 6:25 am
>Subject: [A4] No warm-up...?
>>2001 A4 1.8tq
>>Hello all, I have a question for any one with an ansver...
>>With temeratures hovering around 0 C, I would expect the car to go 
>>warm up stage.
>>When I start the car when it's cold the rpm is aroud 900...when 
>>warm it's a bit lower, however I remember about a month a go that 
>>it was around 10 C the car would start up at higher rpm...I think 
>>it was 
>>more around 1200 rpm or some thing like that....
>>The car does not get a lot of use, .... my whife drives it 10km in 
>>morning to get to work and another 10km to get back home. Could it 
>>that the car just needs exersized by me :-).....heavy right foot.
>>Any comments and ideas regarding this will be greatly appreciated 
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>>A4 at audifans.com

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